Covid-19 Progress in Turkey

SARS-CoV-2, The Virus

How Coronavirus Mutates and Spreads by J. Corum and C. Zimmer, April 30, 2020 — NY Times

— The coronavirus is an oily membrane packed with genetic instructions to make millions of copies of itself. The instructions are encoded in 30,000 letters of RNA — a, c, g and u — which the infected cell reads and translates into many kinds of virus proteins.

Inside the Coronavirus Genome by J. Corum and C. Zimmer, April 3, 2020 — NY Times

— The genome of the new coronavirus is less than 30,000 letters long, while the human genome is over 3 billion. Scientists have identified genes for as many as 29 proteins, which carry out a range of jobs from making copies of the coronavirus to suppressing the body’s immune responses.

How Coronavirus Hijacks Your Cells by J. Corum and C. Zimmer, March 13, 2020 — NY Times

— The virus that causes Covid-19 is currently spreading around the world. At least six other types of coronavirus are known to infect humans, with some causing the common cold and two causing outbreaks: SARS and MERS.

Genetic Data for SARS-CoV-2, April 12, 2020 — Wolfram

— This interactive dashboard displays recent information on the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, patient symptoms and outcomes, and the genetic makeup of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

Data Sources (pandemic)

How do sources compare? by H. Ritchie et al., March 19, 2020 — Our World in Data

— There are three key sources providing regular updates of COVID-19 cases and deaths globally and by country.

  1. World Health Organization
  2. European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC)
  3. Johns Hopkins University


NOTE: Script for downloading the CSV file into R

1 #these libraries need to be loaded
2 library(utils)
4 #read the Dataset sheet into “R”. The dataset will be called "data".
5 data <- read.csv("", na.strings = "", fileEncoding = "UTF-8-BOM")

Data Sources (other)





