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August 18, 2019
Anket Çalışmalarıyla Bilim Yapmak

Sanırım çoğumuz arada sırada posta kutumuza gelen anket mesajlarına rastladık. Genellikle “…bölümünde tez/bitirme projesi yazıyorum, ekteki anketi hazırladım, doldurursanız iyi olur…” ifadeleri içeren Internet ...

J. Corum and C. Zimmer
NY Times - April 3, 2020
The genome of the new coronavirus is less than 30,000 letters long, while the human genome is over 3 billion. Scientists have identified genes for as many as 29 proteins, which carry out a range of jobs from making copies of the coronavirus to suppressing the body’s immune responses.

NY Times - April 3, 2020
Inside the Coronavirus Genome
J. Corum

The genome of the new coronavirus is less than 30,000 letters long, while the human genome is over 3 billion. Scientists have identified genes for as many as 29 proteins, which carry out a range of jobs from making copies of the coronavirus to suppressing the body’s immune responses.